Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Here's a tag! 1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! 2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. (leave a memory about any of us)!


Hanna said...

I snuck back to your blog to see pictures of the ultrasound again! I remember meeting you Brooke for the first time at the Bridal shower I threw for Kallie! You were talking about how you had a sign that said "Home sweet camper" or something like that! Good times!

Seth and Natalie said...

We went on a double date I think maybe just after or just before you and Sam got married. We went to Mattie's and there were all these drunk people at the bar singing karaoke. I wish we would have done more together when we lived together. I also remember Seth and I were driving around Elko and ran into Sam, and he'd just bought your wedding ring. When he said how much it cost, I was like, "holy cow, luuuucky girl"!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, we've had some fun already, but the first thing that comes to mind is camping with you guys and Ethel for Memorial Weekend in the FREEEEEEZING rainy weather. THANK GOODNESS you also brought a camper and and a fireplace for your wall tent! We'll have to try it again when Levi quits tasting everything he can get his hands on.

I've been trying to figure out what that is between those tiny ultrasound legs. I give up! But I have a guess, so I suppose I'll have to wait and find out when you do. CONGRATULATIONS, he/she looks great!

The Hulls said...

I remember when we were at my house and Brooke, you put on a two piece swimsuit, stuck your hair up funny and pretended to be an aerobics instructor, lifting weights. Your poses were hilarious, I think the pictures are still around somewhere. Sam I remember 4H camp, fair, milkshakes, and dancing with all our big gang we hung out with. Good stuff. By the way, your baby is beautiful, I can already tell;) I'm so excited for you both.

Anonymous said...

Brooke and Sam;
I remember the first time I first met Brooke she was at Idas jumping on the trampoline. She was just this tiny little thing and the kids would "pop" her into the air!! I was scared for her and she would just laugh!! Sam I also met at Ida's I had heard alot about him from Nick and Steph. From what I had heard I thought he was this popular lady killer. I was really suprised at how nice he was when I finally met him. I am so glad that the two of you found eachother.
Love to you both!

The Spencer Family said...

I had the same memory of the "office"! I remember sweating our butts off, but still pretending that we were hot secretaries! I got in so much trouble for not letting Libby play!
I remember when you guys first buildt your new house and watching a scary movie in the new house in the pitch black! How brave we were!!!
Sam...I just remember wanting to always swing dance with you, but Stephanie always hogged everyone! hahahah

Breanne said...

With you Brooke I remember we picked you up at your parents house and went to the Diamond Rio concert in Elko. It wasn't a very good concert at all but I do remember thinking wow she is gorgeous. Sam is lucky. With Sam the memories are endless. The summer that he lived here was one of the best ever. I remember him teaching me to rope outside his apartment on his bull horn trigger things. He called and had me come over to help him unpack the kitchen because he couldn't figure out where to put stuff. When he bought his new truck and he was so proud of it. I have the cutest picture of him, Nick & I standing next to it. I should send it to you. I remember he & Nick helped me see how groudy this kid I was dating was (Hollis). Thank you Very much. We went to Olive Garden once with a big group Keagan was there too and we were there until they were closed and practicaly everyone was gone so we raced in the chairs up and down the eisles between the tables, they had wheels on them. It was a blast. When we came out for that concert we went rabbit hunting "Here comes Peter Cottontail. Hoping down the BAM!" On and on I could go. One of my favorite memories was sitting there with you and my mom and listening to you tell stories about your dad and my grandpa. I really wish that I would have known them both. They seem like such special people. I miss grandpa so much even though I never knew him in this earthly life. When Tim was here, they did the same thing. It is so fun to hear the same stories from differant angles. I miss you to pieces cuz. Love you both. Hope to see you soon.

Anonymous said...

We were having a contest to see who could catch the most marshmallows in their mouths. You and Sam won.

Breanne said...

HI, it has ben along time. Isn't your baby due anyday? We need to hear from you and know what is happening. Love you! Hope to hear from you soon!

The Hulls said...

So you know, you are going to have to update a little more often here in a few weeks right? Oh wait but then you'll be sleep deprived. Nevermind, no but really, lets see some pre baby pics!

4Hydes said...
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Breanne said...

Where is the baby?? I want baby pixs!!! Stop holding out on us! We love you to pieces! Hope all is going well!