Friday, April 4, 2008

More memorable moments!

These are just a few more memorable moments. We traveled a bunch and saw an awesome double rainbow on the way home from Elko. I watched Keaton for Becky one day and we made and decorated sugar cookies. He had so much everytime he comes to Aunt Brooke's he wants to make cookies...last time he helped me make chocolate chip pancakes....yummmmm! There is also a pic of our first garden. We were soooo proud of it. It was HUGE!!! We ended up giving tons of it away because we couldn't eat it fast enough. I like to think that the reason my dad ended up getting a green house is because he saw our garden and was soo impressed! ;)

1 comment:

The Spencer Family said...

SO nice to hear from the two of you FINALLY!! I miss you!! It's great to see you two having so much fun being married. You really are a great couple. Idaho is great! We're actually moving back to Elko the end of this summer for Travis' schooling and I'm kinda sad about it. We made some great friends while we were here and are going to miss them like crazy! Plus Libby will be here all alone. Don't get her started on that one! Hope all is going well and hope to see you two sometime soon!